Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nintendo 3DS : Bomb Monkey Trailer

Bomb Monkey Trailer

Bomb Monkey is an upcoming Nintendo R4 3DS game from the developers of Mutant Mudds, Renegade Kid. Bomb Monkey is a puzzle game where the player tries to get rid of blocks in order to progress. The game features a two-player mode, which can be played by using one 3DS console. Bomb Monkey is scheduled to release on the Nintendo eShop this summer.

Heroes Of Ruin Launch Trailer

Heroes of Ruin for Nintendo 3DS released today in Europe. The game, developed by n-Space and published by Square Enix, will feature daily challenges that can be downloaded to it via SpotPass. Throughout the game, you can connect with up to four players from around the world and fight alongside each other. Heroes of Ruin will be released in North America on July 17th.

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