Sunday, March 2, 2014

Free-To-Play Title Steel Diver: Sub Wars Breaks The Waves Today On The 3DS eShop

Run silent, run deep
Anyone remember Steel Diver on 3DS? It was an idea Nintendo originally pitched as a demo for the dual-screen capabilities of the original DS, but only really saw the light of day as a full release on its 3D successor. Ironically enough, it went under a lot of people's radars at the time, but Nintendo announced at E3 last year that the lesser-known franchise would continue on as their first free-to-play title.
Steel Diver: Sub Wars was finally revealed during today's Nintendo Direct broadcast, and is available for download from the 3DS eShop right now.
Described as a more ''contemplative'' take on the traditional first person shooter, players will take control of a submarine and its crew in a series of single-player missions, as well as in a competitive 4v4 online multiplayer mode. You'll have to time your movements carefully to make the most of the vessel's slow-moving torpedoes, encouraging tactical gameplay and some quick maneuvers. As such, the game hopes to appeal to a wider audience, especially those who wouldn't normally be interested in other first person titles.
The free-to-play model previously announced will offer everyone the chance to play a more basic version of the full game at not cost, allowing curious captains to test the waters. The free version comes packaged with the first two single-player missions, two basic subs and full multiplayer capabilities. If you want a much wider selection of subs with varying stats to customise and collect — along with the rest of the single-player missions — then the premium edition can be purchased for a one-off cost.
Check out the trailer below for a first look at this unique shooter, and be sure to let us know your thoughts on the game when you eventually download it.

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